Keith Dutton and a recent Bala double.

Leah Neafcy and her first pike


Geoff Gauton and a 32lb 80z pike
Adam and a recent Scottish 20+
Mark Berrisford new fly caught PB of 20lb 8oz caught from a local canal
Jon Neafcy with a Scottish 22lb 8oz
Eric Edwards and his biggest of the season so far - 26lb 7oz
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin James with a Pike on the fly
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R31 member Denis Bird with a 24lb 14oz
Keith Dutton 2lb 1oz Eel - North-West Canal PAC R31/NAC overnighter
R/O Jon Neafcy with a low double caught on a club outing to a large glacial lake
A bonus Eel caught by Pete from St Helens on a R31 club outing
Keith Dutton with an 11.4 caught on a R31 club outing over the border in Scotland
Tony Holland 16+ R31 club outing large welsh glacial lake
The figmister with his first ever pike caught on a R31 club outing from Keith Lards boat!
R31 Member Paul Bennett from Wigan with an upper double caught on a R31 club outing to a drain system
Stu Clair with a Lake of Menteith fish caught on a PAC event

R31 Member Shaun Devlin with a nice 16+ caught on an R31 Club outing to a large stillwater

R31 Committee member Martin Sailsbury with a nice drain caught double on a R31 Club outing
R/O Jon Neafcy with a nice double caught on a R31 club outing